What is a passing meter?
What is a passing meter?
Passing meter is the one that registers the consumption of electricity separately from the consumption recorded by a general meter. It is used to separately record consumption in certain areas of the house, different appliances, or by individuals or companies that have multiple buildings in the same courtyard to separate their consumption.
This passing meter does not need to be registered with Enel, nor does it need to have a seal because the invoice will continue to come as one for the same owner, and you will later divide the cost yourselves.
How to mount a passing meter
Mounting a passing meteris done on the wall of a building or a room in order to split consumption among multiple owners or electric consumers. The passing meter should be fixed to the wall such that it can not move at all, in order to avoid damaging the components or the connection to the electrical network.
A fuse box will also have to be installed in case one is not available already, in order to protect the circuits that the passing meter will monitor.
Mounting passing meters should only be done by specialists authorized by the ANRE institution.
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