



ECOPLANT offers street lighting, surveillance cameras and a charging station all in one smart device. ECOPLANT combines functions such as solar power charging, connections to electrical networks, energy delivery for bicycles and electric cars, phones and other portable electronic devices, as well as offering protection for public and private property.

ECOPLANT panels with photovoltaic cells are up to 58% more efficient than traditional solar panels. Innovative, intelligent and accessible, the device takes advantage of wind speeds to lower its temperature. No overheating, safety is assured.

ECOPLANT rotates automatically to follow the sun 24/7, in order to utilize solar energy as efficiently as possible. It's a self-contained device, and can be placed anywhere near public institutions or private businesses, houses, parks, markets or parking areas. It can be connected to the electrical network or used independently of it.

In addition, ECOPLANT can be customized with the logo of the company or institution that is providing it.

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>Over 15 years of experience in the field of electrical installations, our team of professionals, and a multitude of completed projects, recommend us as the reliable partner for the execution of your projects, carried out throughout Romania.
